Dear friends, as most of you know, I have decided to move to Zanzibar. I hope that some of the pictures I post in this blog will show you why, because there is no way to describe how much I feel at home in this place. Well, actually, in Jambiani to be more specific. Up until now I have only visited Stonetown (the old part of the main city on the West coast of the island) and Jambiani on the East Coast of Zanzibar. It is this last place that took my breath away, blew all my worries away and is calling me to go back asap. Maybe it is the 'hakuna matata' mentality of dealing with the little you have and feeling infinitely happy with it. The world is upside down there (just as HHA's logo): the less you have, the more content you seem to be...

Anyway, some people have been asking where I am going to stay, so I decided to show them in pictures. When I was there end of March before returning to Doha, I met Sabine, a lovely Swiss lady that practices alternative medicine. She is building her own house with a small guesthouse and restaurant, so I took a few pictures to recommend her place to my friends, see below:

So of course when I decided to go back to Jambiani, it was the first place that I had in mind to stay for 3 months while trying to find a job and a more definite place to stay when I move there after the summer. This is what the room looks like that I am renting from her. The best is that it is powered by solar energy!
So now I will just leave you with a few pictures of Jambiani. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that I find a job soon! I am flying 'home' on 3 May.


    Hello, in this blog you can read about my adventures in Tanzania in the period 19 January - 29 March, where I am volunteering for Homeopathy for Health in Africa.


    April 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013

