Last weekend (1-2 Feb) we went shopping at Memorial Market in Moshi, where people sell second had clothes, bags, shoes, etc. probably donated from charity shops in the West (!), then we took a dala-dala, a very cheap mini-bus way of transportation in Tanzania that is normally very crowded (the name comes from the price of one 'dollar' = dala) into town to get veggies at another market. On Sunday Anna and I wanted to attend a church service because we thought there would be lots of African singing. So we went to the local Baptist church and had to listen to an American pastor speaking very loudly instead and his wife singing out of tone :) Anyway, after he tried to sell us salvation during the service we had a presentation of the financial statements of the church (including a promised donation to Jewish missionaries?!). Then we had the honour of witnessing a few people getting baptised, including Tracy, who normally comes home and gives us a 1-hr massage and a manicure for TSh30,000 ($20), and we were lucky that the church organised a barbecue to celebrate their second anniversary and had a very nice lunch there.

After the barbecue we came back home and changed rooms, now I'm staying in my own room with toilet and shower, which is very nice. A 'fundi' or so-called 'expert' had come and fixed the hot water in my bathroom, but after six days the joy was over and now I only have cold water. This is something normal in Tanzania, the buildings are old and people don't have the expertise to build a house so sometimes the cold and hot water pipes mix, stop working or there is no pipe going to a sink at all. Then something gets fixed for just a few days and we have to call the fundi again...
I don't have much stuff to personalize my room but here's a couple of pics of gifts friends gave me before embarking on my trip: the elephant broche Missy is waking over my bed and helps keep my bedroom curtain open during the day (thanks Dominika) and the environmental bracelet (thanks Louis) helps me identify my HHA water bottle (gift of Jeremy and Camilla on our arrival).

On Sunday evening Anna and I cooked a lovely soup with dark green veggies, a Swedish 'pizza salad' (made with cabbage) and tzaziki. We try to cook in turns and so far it has worked out well, everybody has different and delicious recipes!
3/5/2013 03:50:27 pm

My dear Cynthia, I started reading your blog from the beginning and it's so nice, thank you for sharing all your experiences with us!!! and then I saw little elephant :))))
I will now continue reading! love and kisses


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    Hello, in this blog you can read about my adventures in Tanzania in the period 19 January - 29 March, where I am volunteering for Homeopathy for Health in Africa.


    April 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013

