How do I start this blog? There is sooo much to tell and pics to show that it's impossible to condense it to a few paragraphs.
We left on Wed morning towards the Great Rift Valley where a lot of Masai live. I call it 'the Shire' because the place is idyllic...

We stayed for 3 days / 2 nights with the Medical Missionaries of Mary (MMM), who educate the local population about AIDS and human rights. Sister Levina
accompanied us to the various clinics. There were so many Masai that needed help that we split in 5 groups: one by the parochy, three in Masai villages and one doing home visits. Below you see some Masai ladies waiting at Michelle's clinic. I went to do home visits with Camilla, Anna, sister Levina and Etna. Etna is a Masai lady that has been living for 20 years in the US, so she was the perfect translator for us!
There are so many stories I could tell you, like the children who are vomiting 10cm-long worms (they got Cina), or the hugely fat woman with elephantitis who got Bufo. I could not believe the resemblance with the substance! (Bufo is a remedy made from a toad. Camilla warned me not to take a picture of her, she'd get furious!). Or about Elias, the kid who lives in extreme poverty and is the most beautiful, happiest soul around (see pic below, he got Californium). Camilla brought clothes, food and a 'solar bag' for his family so they can desinfect water in it with solar energy. Or about this wonderful Sepia lady below... And some of the Masai men are really handsome! And they  know it: see this one
posing here on the left. And I love the colours they wear!

We are going back in two weeks to visit the Masai community again. We will then probably be teaching some basic homeopathy to sister Levina and other MMM sisters. I would really like to thank them for their hospitality. We must be doing some good work together because this is what the sky looked like after we got back home... And God was pleased.
3/5/2013 03:54:26 pm

God was pleased for sure! xoxo


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    Hello, in this blog you can read about my adventures in Tanzania in the period 19 January - 29 March, where I am volunteering for Homeopathy for Health in Africa.


    April 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013

