Dear friends, I arrived safely at Kilimanjaro International Airport on the 19th of January after a 1-hr stop in Dar-as-Salaam. A very friendly taxi driver was there waiting for me to take me to Moshi, 40km from the airport. This is the view from my garden at Hahnemann House, where I am staying with another 4 female volunteers: Michelle from the USA, Lorraine and Naomi from the UK and Anna from Sweden. As you can see, we are at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
The house is really nice with a lovely garden around it. I share a room with Naomi. There is a guard and a 'house mother' that cleans and washes our clothes. We have electricity cuts sometimes so we charge our laptops, phones, batteries, cameras, etc (oh my, I hate cables!) whenever we can...

On Sunday 20 Jan we made a trip to a nearby waterfall and swam under it. On the way we played with a two-horned cameleon, heard some stories from our guide Isaac about the local Chagga tribe customs, went into a man-made cave where the Chagga hid from the colonisers, bought some fruit from children and women, had lunch under a canopy of flowers and admired the beautiful nature here. Next time I will tell you more about the clinics we are visiting and the work we are doing here. It's 10pm now, bedtime for me :) lala salama! (good night in Swahili).

1/24/2013 01:01:27 am

Hi my dear Cynthia! happy to hear everything's fine and you are getting use to all there! looking forward to see more pics and read more about your time there! Enjoy and take care of your self.
Love, Domi

1/24/2013 02:04:31 am

Hi my dear Domi, thanks! Your little elephant also made it to Moshi :) I don't have much time to write but I like to post the pictures so people can have an idea what it looks like here...


MÂȘ Henar Alonso
1/25/2013 10:08:40 pm

Hola sorelitaaa!!!!
Me alegro un monton de q hayas llegado bien y la verdad, se ve que todo te esta yendo muy bien y que estas muy feliz!! Ese lugar es precioso, sigue colgando cositas q asi yo las veo y se q esta bien (y de paso practico mi lectura en ingles) ;)
Cuidate mucho y sigue disfrutando un monton!!
Muchos besossss!
Te quiero, te quiero, te quieroooooooooo!! :)

P.D: Cuando hable con mama le contare q esta muy bien ;)

1/26/2013 02:43:32 am

Hermaniiiiisima!!! Gracias amor, hasta ahora ha sido una experiencia increible, me gustaria que estuvieras aqui conmigo. Te quierisimo.... besos a mama de mi parte.



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    Hello, in this blog you can read about my adventures in Tanzania in the period 19 January - 29 March, where I am volunteering for Homeopathy for Health in Africa.


    April 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013

